Archives from November 2017

The Quivara Coalition’s Conference

Really glad to have attended the Quivara Coalition's conference in ABQ last week. Here's one of my favorite slides from Gregg Simonds' talk. As Christine Jones pointed out during her talk on the same day, the "water issue" compared to "human caused climate change" is easier for some people (like climate-change deniers) to understand. Both are critical, but the water issue is easier to explain because it mostly involves simple arithmetic as opposed to the more abstract concepts associated with atmospheric science. (Please note that surface runoff should be understood for what it is in most cases: pollution.)

11/30/2014 | (0) Comments

Without Glaciers

Shrinking glaciers mean
growing problems for farmers
and you. Harvest rain.

11/28/2014 | (0) Comments

Thankful to Be Teaching with a Water Harvesting Farmer this Feb

Looking forward to presenting in Athens at the 18th annual Georgia Organics Conference with Terri Jagger Blincoe on Friday, February 20th. With 70+ inches of annual rainfall, check out how Terri uses rain catchment almost exclusively for her operation, Ladybug Farms. Please also spread the word about the conference to anyone in Dixieland!




11/27/2014 | (0) Comments

One of the Last Free Rivers..

In an age where dams are being torn down, it's too bad that $1 billion is set to be spent on the damming of the Gila River, one of the last free rivers in the US.

11/26/2014 | (0) Comments

Co2 as Viewed From Space

Although I’m a critic of all the money being spent on space exploration these days, NASA has been an essential resource in getting information about climate change.  The movie below shows how plants and seasons play a crucial role in in the production of carbon dioxide.

11/26/2014 | (0) Comments

Mapping the West in 3d

Landscape design, particularly water harvesting, is another industry that would benefit from LIDAR mapping.


11/24/2014 | (0) Comments

Tonight at SFCC Doug Fine Takes the Stage

Doug Fine is an extremely fun and informative writer/speaker. Tonight and Saturday he'll be in Santa Fe!

11/21/2014 | (0) Comments

Harvest the Rain Review From the Reporter

From a few years ago, but it is good to see Harvest the Rain getting it’s time in The Santa Fe Reporter.

11/21/2014 | (0) Comments

Petition the President!

Concerned about water issues? Want to boost local economies with jobs that are hard to outsource? Please sign, like, and share the petition to the President!  See link below.

11/19/2014 | (0) Comments

A Disappearing Rio Grande

Rio Grande? More like Arroyo Grande. Que no?

11/17/2014 | (0) Comments